


About All The Way Blog

This blog is about speaking Life into life

Life is the word of God.

Jesus Himself. Glory

Speak Life.

  • 4 min read

First Blog Entry


As Christians we are often told to lead a Christ-like life. The bible admonishes us to always emulate Christ in every aspect of our lives; in thoughts, actions and motives, but also in speech.

Focusing on the speech aspect is our goal today. And more importantly, we’ll be considering what it means to speak life.

Already i think we’re familiar with Christ’s words that say, ” I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. This is how we know who or what “Life” is.

But since our goal is to focus on ‘speaking life’, what is the speech that needs to be said? How do we understand the concept of speaking life?

Speech is derived from words. Without words, there can’t be speech. So, this means that for speech to be heard, words must be spoken.

Now, concerning words, the bible talks about ‘The Word’. What does it say about it? The first thing is that ‘The Word’ isn’t an inanimate reality or thing; no, The Word is a person.

So, see Who ‘The Word’ is according to John 1:1-3,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

What do you notice?

It says, ” The Word was God.”

That pretty much seals it. The speech is God. The Life is God. Or better put, Christ is both the speech and Life all Christians must speak and live, Yes, John explains that the same person who was ‘The Word’ is also ‘Life.’

John 1:4 says, ” In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.”

So how does this apply to us? Mnkind was created in God’s image and likeness. Before our ancestors, Adam and eve, rebelled against God and fell, God was the source of their lives.

Another thing is that God created all things, including mankind, by the power of His Word. That’s why, referring to ‘The Word’, John 1:3 says, ” All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

So it’s safe to say that God created mankind by speaking life into mere dust, according to Genesis 2:7, ” And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life; and man became a living being.”

This was mankind’s reality before the fall. We enjoyed God’s Life and basked in His grace and presence. Unfortunately, things took a different turn when mankind sinned. We fell short of God’s glory and lost access to both divine life and speech.

However, mankind can still enjoy this reality today, especially if we accept God’s redemption offer of salvation. Those who accept this offer are known as Christians and they’re the only ones who can then emulate Christ by ‘Speaking Life in this troubled and dying world.

How do you speak Life today?

By preaching the gospel

Only Christians have the gift of speaking Life. Sadly, the truth is that not everyone is a Christian today. This also means that not everyone can ‘speak Life’. But that’s not God’s plan. God’splan is clear and concise. What does God want? He wants the number or population of Christians, those who can ‘speak Life’, to increase.

What better way to achieve this than to preach the gospel of Life to others who aren’t Christians? Those who accept the gospel will realize that they’ve been saved from eternal death into eternal Life. This way, the Word of the gospel administers life to them.

Consequently, when we meet those who show outright interest in the faith, the bible tells us how to ‘speak Life’ to them in Colossians 4:6, ” Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”

And guess what? In return, those who accept the Word of the gospel will also become people who can ‘ speak Life to others.

Emulate Christ make Him your role model

Since Christ gave us life when we became born again, one of the ways to emulate Him is to remember the words of Life He has taught us in the scriptures.

Our daily life is filled with many activities. Sometimes these activities are simple and well prepared for. Other times, they meet us by surprise. Speaking life in such situations means that we get to fall backon the written Word of God and take Christ’s lead as we attend to the various matters of life.

I we don’t invest time in knowing God’s Word, we’ll be ill equipped to follow Him when matters that seem overwhelming confront us. To ‘speak Life’ in such situations is to remember what the bible prescribes, and follow what Christ teaches us to do.

Joshua 1:8 says, ” This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Emulating Christ is how our lifestyles ‘speak Life’ to those who observe our interactions. To be effective in this kind of speech, we must understand how God wants us to approach life situations, learning from God’s Word and making them the basis of our daily communication.

Clinging to the True Life

When we talk about ‘speaking Life’, it’s also about speaking words of Life to someone. It’s about emulating Christ when He said in John 6:63, ” It is the Spirit who gives life: the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life.

Similarly, always encourage others who seem to be tired, worried and bothered. The Lord wants us to be our brother’s keeper. He wants us to share and bear eachother’s burdens. By speaking godly words and reminding others of God’s faithfulness, you’ll be speaking Life to them. They’ll be inspired to cling more to God and not give up.

And I hope we realize that the only experience of true Life is by standing strong with Christ and His will. We must be willing to follow His Way of Life only because He is the true Life. Indeed, there is no life in us except ‘the Life’ that gave us Life.

This Life that gave us life also purifies and sanctifies our minds and hearts. This is an ongoing process to purge us of sin and inconsistencies that don’t glorify God. And this Life chose to achieve this in us through His Word. That’s why the bible says in John 17:17, ‘ Sanctify them by Your Truth. Your Word is Truth.”

Other ways Life can be spoken!

*Having a godly perspective always*

Regardless of other perspectives choosing to see things only from God’s lenses or biblical valid perspectives is one way to live a daily life that speaks Life.

*Graceful admonition*

Sometimes speaking Life could mean that you must give a stern warning, or tell a seemimgly unpleasant truth to a loved one.

*Speaking the Truth with boldness*

Speaking Life means that you must be courageous and speak out against evil if its donr by those you love. You should emulate God who woldn’t refrain from calling us out or asking us to repent when we’re wrong. And God does this because He loves us.

Also remember that even when it seems difficult to chastise the people we love, the bible says that God only chastises the children He loves. So, that’s how you can save your loved ones from hell and teach them not to displease God.

James 5:19-20 says, ” Brethren if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.”


Another way we must learn to speak Life is to always forgive others.

How many times did Christ say, “Your sins are forgiven? Christ even told Peter that he must forgive his brother many times. Similarly, let’s speak Life by forgiving those whose offend us.

*Don’t repay evil for evil*

This is what we learn in the bible. When people insult you, we’ve been taught to reply with blessings. Remember also that vengeance belongs to God and we must not be vengeful. Repaying evil with good is another way to broadcast God’s nature of Life. It’s another way to speak Life to others.

*Put away evil communications*

Bad words and dirty slang must be far from all Christians. A mouth or life that speaks Life must not speak deadly things, also. See Colossians 3:8-9, ” But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds.”


In conclusion, praying is one of the most effective ways to continue speaking Life. This way, you can speak with God about your Life and that of others. The bible describes it well in James 5:13-15, “Is anyone among you suffering?” Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”